Corporate Governance


SLG is governed by a Board of Directors which consists of quality and expert thought leaders within the energy sector, providing business leadership that has resulted in an increased footprint within South Africa. Shareholders (overseers of corporate governance in line with the King Report on Corporate Governance) and they set the vision for SLG and the policy frameworks that guide SLG’s strategic direction,  taking gas energy solutions forward and contributing holistically to the economy of South Africa.


All of SLG’s employees are obliged to adhere to the Company’s Code of Conduct. Key to our approach is ensuring that there is a holistic alignment within all the company departments. The Company are also fully cognisant of any potential environmental and safety risks posed by our primary product and so actively promote robust precautionary safety measures across the organisation and to our customers.

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SLG Group Code of Ethics and Conduct

The SLG Group Code of Ethics and Conduct embodies our dedication to upholding strong corporate governance principles, maintaining unwavering integrity, and adhering to rigorous standards.

This Code applies to all members of our team, including employees, officers, and board directors. Rooted in our core values and supported by SLG’s policies, it serves as a guiding framework without overriding existing company policies, procedures and protocols.
